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Do you know that there is difference between Christmas and Xmas?
I see many Christians typing “Xmas” instead of Christmas, many are ignorant of this and some are living outside of Christ. Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Christ among Christians worldwide; as we celebrate
Christmas, Christ is set as the priority and the center of the celebration, so it is more than secular or social celebration, but a Christian celebration with in-depth meaning in our relationship with God.

That God love us so much that He sent His only begotten Son forus; that Jesus Christ was born for us, for our
salvation, IMMANUEL! Christmas also signifies that the world is recognizing and calling Jesus the Christ, that the Messiah of the world; it is a witness to pass message to the world that Christ has been born and you are called to be
born again in Christ. But along the way, the devil was not happy as the word “Christmas” was circulating around the world everywhere even in the official,
secular and social places, people calling Jesus Christ; and so people under the control of Satan moved to cancel Christ from Christmas, to remove Christ from the December 25th celebration, and you know when Christ is left from a celebration, when Christ is not glorified in whatever you are doing, it become idolatry. So, in subtle and modern English, they cancelled Christ from Christmas and replaced it with Xmas. In English, X is another sign of
cancelling, removing or wronging something. A symbol of approval may look like this √ or to mark something right but to cancel something, to disapprove something, you can use a
symbol of X. This is the Xmas you have today, where Christ is removed and cancelled = Xmas. So where is the Christ in the Christmas we are celebrating today?
If you search the history of the word “Xmas”online, you will see different answers. They said that in Greek letters, X stands for “Chi”but since 'X' is not Chi in English, we read theword as X-mas and see no connection with Christ. In the United States, in 1977 New Hampshire Governor Meldrim Thomson sent out a press release saying that he wanted journalists to keep the 'Christ' in Christmas and not call it Xmas--which he called a 'pagan' spelling of Christmas. An American Evangelist and Missionary Franklin Graham told CNN journalist Roland Martin in an interview: "For us as Christians, this is one of the most holy of
the holidays, the birth of our saviour Jesus Christ. And for people to take Christ out of Christmas. They're happy to say merry Xmas. Let's just take Jesus out. – allafrica.com CHRISTMAS Christmas is celebrating the birth of Christ into the world, and more than that, it is celebrating your birth in Christ, being born again, or how will you better celebrate Christmas without you being genuinely born again? That is useless! John 3:3
Christmas is remembering the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and renewing our commitment to His service – living for Him and sharing the Good news to all men - evangelism! John 3:35, 36 Christmas is remembering the sacrificial giving of God, and practise the giving. “For God so loved the world that He gave His begotten
Son” John 3:16. Giving is part and parcel of Christmas, sharing with others, no matter how small. You celebrating Christmas without sharing is an empty Christmas.
Xmas is a manipulated type of celebration by the unsaved, though claimed to be Christians. It is a pagan way of calling Christmas, they are scared to called “Christ” or they show they reject Jesus as the Christ of their lives, or they see writing “Christmas” as too long and lonesome. Xmas is celebrating on December 25th without genuine salvation in Christ. Xmas is celebrating Christmas in a way that will not glorify Christ.
Xmas is celebrating Christmas without Christ as the center.
With the clear differences listed above, you can clarify which type you have been celebrating or you are celebrating today. The genuine celebration of Christ begins the day you are genuinely born again, and on the
Christmas, you make Christ the center of your celebrating, you do everything that will glorify Christ, you use the period to share the Good news of the birth of Christ.

Compliments of the season

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