How to use simple use simple server without a modem and android phone on your pc
I know lot of us have been rocking simple server unlimited
with our pc and modem, well
Today I’m going to show few of us that don’t really have an
android phone and a modem how to connect simple server to your p.c with any
phone, it works on windows phone and blackberry phones as long as there is an
hotspot to share over wifi and bluetooth.
Firstly, you have to have these three tools on your p.c
1. Simple Server
2. Psiphon server
3. Reconnect tool (you can download this
from any site)
Then extract the file I mean simple server and go to your
simple server settings file and change your VALHDR0 and IQUERY from
‘’ to ‘’
After this,
Subscribe to any of this plan below MTN BB10 plans on your
For BBlitem
monthly plan (#1000), simply dial *216*3*3#
Weekly, simply
dial *216*3*2#
Daily, simply dial
*216*3*1# or you can sub BBlited daily (#70) dialing *216*7#
If you have launched
your simple server and subscribed for any of the plan, this is the most
important step you need to take note of
launch your browser and set your proxy http to and port to
Click on use the for all protocols
Go to your settings and locate your mobile network check for
your hotspot tethering
For lumia and microsoft phone go to internet sharing, turn
it on and go back to your p.c if your wifi is on it would display the broadcast
name of your wifi, some requires password, check your hotspot properties there
is code there use that code on your p.c.
It will be connected to the internet and now you can surf the internet.
Most people do complain of network going off and on well it did happen to me then, well that is where you need to get the 3rd app i listed above.. its the reconnect tool, its very light to download and dont need to be installed but i will suggest you pin it to your task bar so you can access it anytime you need it.
you will see the user name and pass word change it to web and the dial mode should be async
I will be dropping a tutorial on how to use psiphon handler tunneler on simple server spectranet
You are good to go, if you have any questions leave your
comment below I will respond to it
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